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  • 25 September 24

    Mini Championships Success


  • 26 August 24

    2024-2025 Mini Mets and Club Fitness Training Times


  • 26 August 24

    2024-2025 Mini Mets and Club Fitness Competition Calendar


Second Hand Kit

We currently sell the following second hand swimming kit in the Club Office at Sale Leisure Centre on Sundays between 3.45-5.45pm:

  • Pull Buoys £3
  • Kickboards £3
  • Fins £5
  • Hand Paddles £3
  • Net Bags £3
  • Female Swimming Costumes £5
  • Male Swimming Costumes £5

All money received from the sale of second hand swimming kit goes into the clubs funds’ and is put towards purchasing items for the benefit of members.

If you would like to donate any of your child’s old swimming kit, which you believe is in a suitable condition for resale, please drop it off in the Club Office when open.

Please remember to write the swimmers name on all clothing and equipment (not just their initial). With 30+ kick boards and pull buoys at each session items easily get mixed up.

Joining the club

Mini Mets
For information about joining Mini Mets please contact Dan Walsh to arrange a trial.

Junior Squads
For information about joining the Junior Squads please contact Craig Ward  to arrange a trial.

Masters/Masters Fitness
For information about joining Masters and Masters Fitness please contact Bob Bolton to arrange a trial

Club Office

Our Club Office at Sale Leisure Centre is open on Sundays between 3.45-5.45pm for enquiries and to purchase swim hats and second hand items.

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We're affiliated to: ASA NWR, C.C.W.P. & S.A., M & D.S. & W.P.A., C.L.S. & W.P.A.

HQ: Sale Leisure Centre, Broad Road, Sale, Machester, UK