Our Mini Mets Swim Scheme, which is run by one of our senior coaches Dan Walsh, is for younger swimmers aged 7-14 who have progressed through learn to swim schemes elsewhere.
We have 6 Mini Met groups with training sessions on Saturdays for all swimmers at either Sale Leisure Centre or St Ambrose Pool in Hale Barns dependent on ability and plus an additional session on Mondays at Sale Leisure Centre for our more advanced swimmers.
Our Mini Mets Swim Scheme encompasses stroke development, tumble turns, dives and progression to competitive swimming in both internal and external galas and events. Following completion of the programme swimmers are offered the opportunity to progress into our club’s competitive Junior Squads.
If you are interested in your child taking part in our Mini Mets Swim Scheme in the first instance please download and complete the Mini Mets Form below and email it to Dan Walsh tmbsc.minimets@gmail.com who will be in touch to arrange a trial session.
Finally, we hope existing and potential Mini Met swimmers and their parents/guardians will find the information on these Mini Mets pages (see left hand menu) useful. If you any unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to email Dan at the email address above.