19 August 15
<!--Notes ACF
Emma Gage has been to the Masters World Championship in Kazan, Russia and has competed phenomenal well.
Emma has finished with two Masters World records, two Masters British records, three Gold medals and two Silver medals.
· Gold - 50 Fly 27.10 seconds, Masters World record
· Gold - 100 free 56.96 seconds, Masters World record
· Gold - 50 free 25.73 seconds, Masters British record
· Silver - 100 fly 1 minute 1.93 seconds, Masters British record (Note Emma beat what was World record before this race, but was pipped out by a Russian)
· Silver – 200 IM 2 minute 26.75 seconds, (Masters British record currently held by Sharon Davies, who many of you will have heard of)
All swims were huge PB’s. Emma only returned to swimming competitively with Masters in November 2014.
The following link to British swimming website gives reports
http://www.swimming.org/masters/golden-week-masters-swimming-russia/ ;