10 June 17
Our Squad 1 Coach Louisa has been attending Greater Manchester talent coaching workshops over the past 6 months which are focused around improved delivery of sessions, nutrition and engaging younger children into taking up competitive sports. As part of this, she was invited to be part of the #PassOnYourPassion campaign, encouraging more young women to take up sport coaching by handing over a baton to them. She chose two young volunteers, Abi and Elysia who are both working towards their DofE awards, to pass on the coaching bug to. They decided to get creative with their photos of passing on the baton handing over in relay takeover style. With the help of talented cameraman Jacob, and after many failed attempts to get the perfect action shot, the results captured the fun, supportive and inclusive environment our coaches strive to provide for all our swimmers. In fact, the GreaterSport team loved our attempt so much, Louisa won a £100 decathalon voucher to spend on items for the club! She has decided to buy a mixture of new training aids and prizes for best squad swimmers.